- Disembark in Cape Horn National Park
We’ll sail through the Murray Channel and Nassau Bay to reach Cape Horn National Park, where we’ll disembark (if the weather permits). The mythical Cape Horn was discovered in 1616, and it is a sheer, 1,394-foot high rocky promontory. For many years it was an important navigation route between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and it is known as the End of the Earth. The park was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in June 2005.
In the afternoon, we go ashore at the historic Wulaia Bay, where once was located one of the largest Yamana aboriginal settlements. Charles Darwin landed here on January 23rd, 1833, during the voyage of the HMS Beagle. This area is also renowned for the mesmerizing beauty of its vegetation and geography. We will walk through a Magellanic forest of lengas, coihues, canelos, ferns, and other native vegetation to reach a look-out point.