You are about to visit La Reina del Plata (the Silver Queen), best known as Buenos Aires. Read about the museums, tango shows you can explore in Buenos Aires and when is the best time to visit the city in this Buenos Aires travel guide.
Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina and it was founded by the Spanish Crown in 1580. The region was originally home to the Querandies, a community of great runners that used to run and hunt deers and guanacos. Buenos Aires sits on the coast of Río de la Plata, the widest in the world. If you cross this immense river it will take you 1 hour to reach the other coast in Uruguay! The city was named after a virgin, Nuestra Señora del Buen Aire, who accompanied the first Spanish explorers. Today, Buenos Aires has a vibrant cultural life, museums, galleries and theaters, and a bussy nightlife that awakes early in the evenings and finishes late in the first morning hours. Buenos Aires was recently declared a “prepared destination” by the WTTC (World Tourism Travel Council) and features many open circuits Let´s discover things to do in Buenos Aires!.