Getting vaccinated protects not only those who travel, but also the populations that receive tourists. Know all the required vaccinations for travel in this article.
Under normal circumstances, in our globalized world, more than a million people travel internationally every day. In many countries, vaccines to prevent diseases are common, and often mandatory. Without vaccines, epidemics of many diseases could return, resulting in more illnesses, deaths, and a lower quality of life. Getting vaccinated before traveling is necessary to ensure global public health and to help people stay healthy during and after their travels.
Since the pandemic that caused Covid-19, the importance of getting vaccinated before traveling has become much more prominent. But not for all trips it is necessary to get vaccinated. We are going to tell you more about the required vaccinations for travel below.
If you want to learn more about the vaccination Covid-19 protocols to visit Chile, Argentina, Patagonia and Iguazú Falls, you can read about it on our website.

Mandatory vaccines vs. recommended vaccines
There are destinations that recommend certain vaccines and others that ask for them as a requirement. Mandatory vaccinations are those that require a specific certificate to enter a country. If you don’t have it, you can’t enter. The rest are recommended because the risk of the disease is important in the place where you are going to travel and its administration is recommended to avoid infection
Vaccine recommendation
Beyond the mandatory vaccines to enter certain destinations, the recommended vaccines must be applied every certain time. Sometimes several times in life and others that with applying them only once, they cover us from diseases forever.
These are the best known vaccines and their recommended application:
- Double adult: Reinforcement every 10 years.
- Triple viral: If you prove two doses applied, no reinforcement is necessary.
- Yellow fever: One dose in adults. Some countries require an international application certificate to enter *.
- Parenteral typhoid fever: Boost every 3 years *.
- Rabies: Pre-exposure vaccine for high-risk travelers *.
- Hepatitis A: There are 2 doses of vaccine. Revaccination is not recommended.
- Hepatitis B: There are 3 doses of vaccine. Revaccination is not recommended.
- Influenza vaccine: Annual dose.
- Poliomyelitis: A single dose of IPV is recommended for those traveling to endemic countries.
Most frequent vaccines and destinations
The star destinations that people consult the most about the required vaccinations for travel are Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Brazil and Africa. Generally speaking, the most commonly administered vaccines are hepatitis A, which is administered in almost all destinations, and other vaccines, such as typhoid fever.
Mandatory vaccinations:
- None
Recommended vaccines:
- Flu.
- Hepatitis A.
- Tetanus / Diphtheria.
- Typhoid fever.
- Hepatitis B.
Mandatory vaccinations:
- None
Recommended vaccines:
- Tetanus / Diphtheria.
- Typhoid fever.
- Hepatitis B.
- Hepatitis A.
- Flu.
Mandatory vaccinations:
- Yellow fever.
Recommended vaccines:
- Flu.
- Hepatitis A.
- Tetanus / Diphtheria.
- Typhoid fever.
- Hepatitis B.
Mandatory vaccinations:
- Polio.
- Yellow fever.
Recommended vaccines:
- Hepatitis A.
- Tetanus / Diphtheria.
- Typhoid fever.
- Hepatitis B.
- Cholera.
Mandatory vaccinations:
- None.
Recommended vaccines:
- Yellow fever.
Mandatory vaccinations:
- Yellow fever.
- Polio (if you’re visiting Cameroon or Libia).
Recommended vaccines:
- Hepatitis A.
- Tetanus / Diphtheria.
- Typhoid fever.
- Hepatitis B.
- Cholera.

Get a medical appointment before travelling
The objective of the appointment is to determine the risk presented by the traveler according to the characteristics of the trip to be made, for this the destination, purpose, duration of the trip and season of the year in which it is made are evaluated.
You should also consider the health history and evaluate the activities to be developed during the trip
It is recommended to make the appointment at least 2 months before departure, in this way it is ensured if you need to be vaccinated, arrive properly immunized.
It’s important to get vaccinated at least 4 to 6 weeks before you travel. This will give the vaccines time to start working, so you’re protected while you’re traveling. It will also usually make sure there’s enough time for you to get vaccines that require more than 1 dose.
Other considerations for vaccinations required to travel
Before embarking on a trip, it is advisable to have certain health considerations.
- Contract an international medical assistance service, since in most countries medical attention is not free.
- Make a prior medical consultation with a specialist in travelers or infectious disease specialist.
- Have a basic first-aid kit for the trip.
- Find out about the destination to which you are going to travel. Above all about hospital facilities and coverage.