Came to visit Argentina and felt in love with the country? Decided to try a new adventure in a foreign country? If you are looking into living in Argentina and want advice from someone who has uprooted and moved to Argentina, you’ve come to the right place.
Updated to April 2024
Living in Argentina is sort of like living in a video game. At times ridiculously fun, exciting, and other times filled with obstacles. But one thing’s for sure- it’s never boring.
Here are 10 things you need to know about living in Argentina:

1. Go With the Flow
Long line at the grocery store and no aisles open? No pasa nada. You can’t plan life in Argentina and it’s much better to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. There’s something to be said about not being in control of everything around you and it makes life worth living in the moment. And if you are running late, don’t worry about it. Everyone else is too!
2. Expect to Eat a Lot of Meat…
The meat in Argentina is some of the best in the world, and don’t tell any Argentine otherwise! Meat is served at most group gatherings, especially at the popular asado, an Argentine barbecue. For meat lovers, this is heaven on Earth. For vegetarians, eating out can be challenging but not impossible- look for vegetable alternatives.
3. And Drink a Lot of Wine
Malbec wine goes perfectly paired with steak in Argentina. It is cheap, plentiful, and varied. Enough said.

4. Learn to Speak with Your Hands
With so much Italian heritage entwined in Argentine roots, most Argentines have the mannerisms, gestures, and innate passion that they inherited from their distant cousins in Italy. Understand a friendly conversation on the streets only by hand gestures and body dramatics and you are one step closer to being Argentine.
5. Appreciate History
Argentina is proud of its culture and unwavering in its dedication to remembering the past- the good and the bad. For a country fraught with war and tragedy in its history, locals still hold on to the hope for a better future, a perspective that I have come to adopt as well.
6. Family is Everything
Weekly family dinners and asados are calendar dates etched in stone. Many young adults live at home until their late 20’s or early 30’s and family ties are seriously hard to break. If you are dating an Argentine, expect to wait a while until meeting the family. That could mean marriage material!
7. Futbol is Life
Boca or River? The biggest rivalry in Argentina, and you will be constantly asked who you root for. Pick one and do it wisely. Once you are a fan, you are a fan for life.

8. Be Social
One could say that there is almost no difference between family and friends in Argentina. Friends are family, period. Friends are almost as important as family and way more important than your job. Social events happen every single day of the week, which include birthday parties, after-offices (socializing with work colleagues), end of the year parties, bachelor/bachelorette parties, and “juntadas” or get-togethers. Learning to stay out late any night of the week is a key to survival in Argentina.
9. Sleep Late and Often
Although not as institutionally common as in Spain, siestas are taken seriously here, especially on the weekends. Most stores are closed on Sundays, a perfect excuse to cook a nice meal at home and enjoy that well-deserved Sunday siesta.
10. Being a Foreigner in Argentina is Awesome!
Most Argentines are very accepting of foreigners and are quite curious as to why you have chosen to live in their country. “Why Argentina?” they often ask. Because being a foreigner in Argentina is awesome!
Get a first hand look at living in Argentina with Say Hueque Tours! Contact us to start planning your perfect trip!